★ 1000ch ★ 20676

A textboard made for any topics.

Cracky-chan is cute and sweet
1 Name:Cracky is catharsis

2021/04/02 (Fri) 10:50:53

Elephants one hundred each field a red nose
since that only one only imperfection can goes


2 Name:name

2021/05/30 (Sun) 18:37:23

fu‎ck nig‎gers

3 Name:crackyfan

2021/08/27 (Fri) 19:30:20

>>2 fuck YOU

4 Name:shark tank

2023/04/26 (Wed) 02:35:56

Fuck off you braindead tranny

5 Name:ah

2023/06/26 (Mon) 22:33:20

I miss Cracky-chan so much...

6 Name:ldkufq

2023/07/27 (Thu) 17:53:33

why do i have to clean all your sperm stains?

7 Name:Anonymous

2023/12/24 (Sun) 17:30:16

I love Cracky-chan!

8 Name:sage

2024/06/12 (Wed) 18:52:13

no thanks im straight edge

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
im scared
1 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 20:05:08

i feel like i'll die today...

because of the virus...

please, comfort me

2 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 20:07:17

Don't be scared lil buddy!
I'll sure they will develop a cure/vaccine for it! Don't disbelieve yourselve, you might
want to be alive and not dead!

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 20:12:03


fuckass definitely no if you live in the goddamn USA. trump is a political cock-loving
whore, who sucks cock every day and slurps on it for views on his twitter so he can spread his cum to his hot wife though

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 20:18:19



5 Name:shark tank

2023/04/26 (Wed) 02:37:20

>>3 stop making me horny

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
1 Name:w00t

2022/04/10 (Sun) 00:33:00

                                      r、. iヽ
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2 Name:anon

2022/10/08 (Sat) 20:44:18

XD fail moment

3 Name:aboob

2023/04/19 (Wed) 20:04:09


4 Name:shark tank

2023/04/26 (Wed) 02:34:49

try this again bich

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
1 Name:hi

2022/07/10 (Sun) 11:21:19


  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
marsey was here
1 Name:marsey

2022/03/29 (Tue) 17:04:38


  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
No Title

2021/09/17 (Fri) 06:45:39

nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion is dead!

2 Name:anno

2022/03/22 (Tue) 06:46:55


  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
1 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 10:43:12


2 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 11:25:30

Yugoslavia too?
I am Macedonian btw.

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/08/17 (Mon) 20:43:23

Lol enjoy starving to death you filthy pinko

4 Name:Redditor

2020/11/26 (Thu) 04:25:52

Hello guys im from reddit nice to meet u.

5 Name:Anonymous

2021/06/01 (Tue) 02:00:19


  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
1 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 12:56:18

L /--------------------
O === [] \
L \ \

2 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 21:15:05

didn't work out, huh?

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 21:16:45


yeah, stupid ain't it

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 21:21:31


eh not reallyyyy

5 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/15 (Sun) 03:51:18

Looks like it crashed.

6 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/15 (Sun) 13:12:31


haha right?

7 Name:Anonymous

2021/02/13 (Sat) 17:44:35


kobe bryant

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
Non-codable Textboard Tutorial
1 Name:lauta

2020/04/01 (Wed) 11:12:22

1. Download this (http://bbs8.fc2.com/bbs/img/_879000/878999/bg/bg.gif)

2. Go to bbs.fc2.com

3. Disable image-posting

4. Choose filtered words

5. Make sure your website ends with ____ch or a random name

6. ur done! now make sure you spam in txtchan or xiongnu.org´s both website adding threads for yours to be in there.

2 Name:Anon

2020/12/23 (Wed) 14:24:41

thanx anon for 'how to replicate this site: step by step tutorial', it will be very helpful

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
1 Name:lauta

2020/06/03 (Wed) 23:35:15

lol how are people not posting here

2 Name:kill ki‎kes and ni‎ggers

2020/07/24 (Fri) 13:27:00

nobody knows about this site, ni‎gger

>Please enter your name.
>Your message includes taboo words and cannot be posted.
oh and it's shitty and rulecucked too apparently.

3 Name:go away

2020/07/27 (Mon) 19:51:06

go away

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/07/30 (Thu) 10:48:31

Textboards are not very popular

5 Name:Eh

2020/08/17 (Mon) 20:41:12

good. keeps the normalfags out (Remember when they were called NORPs? Short for "Normal Ordinary Responsible People")

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
two trucks
1 Name:Anonymous

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:26:30

having sex

2 Name:Anonymous

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:28:36

why would they? where will the baby come out? how do they determine the baby´s gender? what will a truck look like when preggo??

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:29:39


tell that to the people who make transformer hentai

4 Name:lauta

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:46:32

ah, you have a good taste in music, you do not like cardiovascular bronchitis. lemon demon, they are better. btw, my favorite song from them is, Lifetime Achievement Award. Yours??

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
1 Name:lauta

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:10:24

my c̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶t̶ community is growing! yay!!! this will soon be 4chan but textboard and better!!!

2 Name:lauta

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:12:10

yall be funny ngl

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:13:59

Lauta, you will be our new moot. BUT DONT LEAVE US PL0X!!

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:16:05


did your name come from ylilauta? if so, are you finnish or scandinavian? also, moot was
a good guy after all...

5 Name:lauta

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:19:06


yes, it did come from ylilauta. no, i am not scandinavian, but their countries look nice! i´m actually canadian-serbian.

6 Name:lauta

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:20:36

also >>4

do that but with the post number

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
No Title
1 Name:debeko

2020/03/20 (Fri) 02:44:23

im really scared minna (;´Д`)(;´Д`)(;´Д`)

2 Name:anon

2020/03/24 (Tue) 03:35:05


ha, gay

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/26 (Thu) 23:51:18

debeko my lol

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:08:04

who the fuck is debeko and minna?

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
well i was shopping
1 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 21:18:06

for a new car which one's free

2 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 21:20:02

a cool convertible or a suv

3 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 21:23:10

but i didnt know my credit was wack

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 22:04:07

Have you tried this new Berries and Cream Starburst?
Pardon me. What kind of Starburst did you just say?
Berries – and what else?
And Cream.
Oh! Oh – Berries and Cream. Berries and Cream. I’m a little Lad who loves Berries and Cream.
Berries and Cream. Berries and Cream. I’m a little Lad who loves Berries and Cream.

5 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 10:30:47


no what does it taste like

6 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 10:34:28



7 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 10:35:43


not funny (┬┬_┬┬)

8 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/12 (Thu) 10:38:34


and you cant eat human flesh unless ur a cannibal!!!!

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
No Title
1 Name:~

2020/03/12 (Thu) 08:13:32


Greetings from Sonzaishinai World!
a replica of Ayashii World, the first anonymous japanese textboard.



  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
No Title
1 Name:hahaha no

2020/03/11 (Wed) 19:54:32


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   /_  へ   \
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    i__ノ    |, ̄/

2 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 19:56:09

3 Name:ur local popeyes dealer

2020/03/11 (Wed) 19:58:17

Say, anyone want Popeyes?

4 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 20:00:31


encouraging fat since 1972

5 Name:Anonymous

2020/03/11 (Wed) 20:02:44


shut up asshole since now

  • Name: E-mail address (optional):
    • Title:
    • Name: E-mail address (optional):
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