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A textboard made for any topics.


1:lauta :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:10:24

my c̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶t̶ community is growing! yay!!! this will soon be 4chan but textboard and better!!!
2:lauta :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:12:10

yall be funny ngl
3:Anonymous :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:13:59

Lauta, you will be our new moot. BUT DONT LEAVE US PL0X!!
4:Anonymous :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:16:05


did your name come from ylilauta? if so, are you finnish or scandinavian? also, moot was
a good guy after all...
5:lauta :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:19:06


yes, it did come from ylilauta. no, i am not scandinavian, but their countries look nice! i´m actually canadian-serbian.
6:lauta :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 10:20:36

also >>4

do that but with the post number

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