★ 1000ch ★ 21905

A textboard made for any topics.

Non-codable Textboard Tutorial

1:lauta :

2020/04/01 (Wed) 11:12:22

1. Download this (http://bbs8.fc2.com/bbs/img/_879000/878999/bg/bg.gif)

2. Go to bbs.fc2.com

3. Disable image-posting

4. Choose filtered words

5. Make sure your website ends with ____ch or a random name

6. ur done! now make sure you spam in txtchan or xiongnu.org´s both website adding threads for yours to be in there.
2:Anon :

2020/12/23 (Wed) 14:24:41

thanx anon for 'how to replicate this site: step by step tutorial', it will be very helpful

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